In my family, most people end up needing glasses, and we've all spent time in sunshine growing up. It wasn't until I was an adult that I needed glasses for driving and for seeing things in the distance. What got me to finally get glasses was when I was in college, and noticed I was having trouble seeing the board in class. The majority of my family is NT, and most of them also had to wear glasses as adults. For me, I can't drive legally without glasses because the only way I passed the vision test was with glasses on. Growing up, video game systems were just coming out, and were too expensive for most parents to buy, so we all played outside. The only computers that existed were the old Apple computers, and the internet didn't even exist yet, not even dial-up.
I do have a cousin who was a micropreemie when he was born 30 years ago, so he was lucky to have survived the NICU, but he has severe developmental delays as a result of his birth. He also has worn glasses his whole life, but that's due to his premature birth as his vision wasn't able to be fully developed. He's not considered legally blind, but he would be blind if he never wore glasses.