I know the feeling, but only kind of - i was trying to explain to a friend how our walking club trips exhaust me as I have to be sociable, lead walks, make sure everyone is safe and almost be incharge, he then came out with "Your imagining it - your great with people"
The problem is, people cannot see the turmoil within you - and although you may appear normal, it takes a strain on your spirit.
Having said that, I wouldn't actively persue a dx, since when I did the tests, and read criteria etc, I knew it was me, I have known me for 20 years, and have known I am somewhat different to those around me, I've always found attenuating circumstances which I used to explain things before (such as being on the Foundation year at uni, whereas all of my peers were on full degrees)
I doubt that these had much credance now though.
Out of interest why do you want a Dx? Does it actually answer anything new, or just put your mind to rest?