is not hearing someone call ur name common in ASD?

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14 Mar 2016, 10:23 pm

either that or im tuning them out.

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14 Mar 2016, 10:45 pm

If it's when your mind is intensely focused elsewhere, or in a slightly trance like state, then that would be very similar to what I sometimes experience. I can go from being intensely irritated by the slightest hum or buzz, to barely noticing the sharpest of sounds, depending on how much I am lost in what I'm doing. If my mind starts to wander in the middle of a conversation, I can easily miss being asked a question, even if the person is right next to me.

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14 Mar 2016, 11:42 pm

You have to call me more than once to get my attention because my focus is on something I am doing and when I am deep into it such as my interest for example, you have to make a few attempts to say my name before I even respond. In my view, I only hear my name once while you had said it about three times or five. And sometimes I can hear my name but it's hard to take my mind off what I am doing and to focus on the other person but it's still irritating because the transition is hard. I have to switch gears and it's hard to process the information and I have no memory of what was said to me. It's annoying when this happens.

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15 Mar 2016, 1:18 am

This happens to me regularly. Another thing that happens to me a lot is when someone says something to me when I'm concentrating on something and I may recognize that words are being said but I don't know what until up to 3 seconds later when it finally registers. Sometimes in that time I say something like "could you repeat that?" and as they are repeating it then I finally finish processing what they said the first time. It can be annoying, both to me and to whoever is trying to talk to me.

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15 Mar 2016, 5:57 am

I get that processing just as a statement starts to be repeated.

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15 Mar 2016, 8:22 am

Oh yes, the increased focus is one of the common skills that autistic people have and non-autistic people lack. That's part of why autistic people are so good at solving problems. One of my family members is a musician and on the spectrum. You can see intense focus on his face when he plays, and he is incredible to listen to. Like, wow.

If you're having this annoyance of not hearing people when they first call you, that probably means you can also drill down and focus on your special interests to become quite accomplished with them.


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15 Mar 2016, 9:09 am

When, I hyperfocus yes, but also when sometimes I hear voices that aren't there. to.

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15 Mar 2016, 3:08 pm

Has anone heard someone call their name, when there was no one there that could be vocalizing?

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15 Mar 2016, 3:44 pm

I don't have that problem. But if someone starts talking to me without calling my name first, it is likely that I don't realize or realize to late that someone was talking to me. A solution I could have is replay the sound in my mind, and interpret it. That would be auditory processing with a delay.


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15 Mar 2016, 4:54 pm

I do.

But it's even worse if they try talking to me without calling me by name first, because then I am oblivious to the concept that they could be talking to me rather than to someone else or just randomly talking.

Then again there are other times when any sound that could be said to remotely resemble my name grabs my attention and I wonder at the way I thought I heard my name but no-one is talking to or about me.

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15 Mar 2016, 5:04 pm

My last job was a nightmare for that. In my private life, everyone has called me 'Trog' for years - so much so that I forget to answer to my given name (it is an extremely common one). But most work colleagues, even if I said it's OK to call me Trog, insisted on being more formal and using my given name. To make matters worse, the manager in the same room also had the same first name. So I would not break my trance when I was being called, or break my trance after hearing my name a few times, only to find it wasn't me that they wanted speak to. I must have lost half an hour of work over the course of a day sometimes!

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16 Mar 2016, 12:55 am

drlaugh wrote:
Has anone heard someone call their name, when there was no one there that could be vocalizing?

That happens to me all the time, mostly when I am tired.

Speaking of hallucinations happening when I am really tired, sometimes when I am sleepy (as in on the verge of falling asleep) I notice that I can see stuff despite my eyes being closed. It's obviously not real stuff, just immaginary stuff that looks real. I remember a few times in school when I almost fell asleep and I noticed that I could look around the classroom even though my eyes were obviously closed, it looked very real and it was a nearly perfect representation of the room and the people in it, and when I opened my eyes there was an almost seemless transition to reality. Another thing happened a few times is when I am sleeping away from my house and I notice that I am seeing my room only to realize that my eyes are closed and open them to find myself in the actual room I am sleeping in. Just this week I remember seeing my room as a dimly lit white box surrounding me while my eyes were closed, and opening my eyes revealed that the box had the exact dimensions of my room. I don't think that it's a dream because I am still very aware of and capable of moving my real body (as far as I can tell) and when I open my eyes I don't experience the usual sensations of exiting a dream (which I am quite familear with being a lucid dreamer in training and all). Has this ever happened to anyone else or am I just weird? I definitely would love to know what the heck is going on with that.

Also known as MarsMatter.

Diagnosed with Asperger's, ADD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder in 2004.
In denial that it was a problem until early 2016.

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