kraftiekortie wrote:
When I was in my late teens, I was a messenger in Manhattan for a little while.
I wish we could go back to the days where we could walk into a Temp place, take a few tests, and they would send you out on jobs. Jobs were plentiful for me even in during 1980-1982 (when we had, perhaps, a more severe economic crisis than the present one).
One could still walk into some messenger services, give your social security card and proof of address, and get hired right away.
For the most part, though, unless you really stand out, you have to endure at least at least two interviews for each job you apply for. And you have to write a drop-dead resume, since employers won't give tests in person, or even see you, until they decide that the resume is worthy of further action.
Exactly! That time when I was a messenger was around 1983-1984. The phone bank thing was about four years later.
The interview was a couple of minutes with the dispatcher.
I was horrified when I recently saw the online application process for a low-end sales job at a chain sporting goods store. They had all the usual sort of stuff and then what was obviously a psych questionnaire. The thing had questions like--
"You are at a staff meeting and the manager complains about supplies that were not put away properly. A co-worker falsely blames you but you know that another person was responsible. Do you:
A) Keep silent and do nothing.
B) Tell the whole staff meeting who was really responsible.
C) Wait until after the staff meeting and quietly tell your supervisor.
D) Wait until after the staff meeting and tell your coworkers what happened."
And there were 30 questions like this!
This is for a job that is basically selling sneakers, shirts and tennis balls! The whole thing seems crazy now.