I have trouble expressing anger, so I don't really know what I do when I'm angry as half the time I don't even know when I'm angry. However, I do smile at other inappropriate times. My neutral expression is a smile, so even if I'm in a bad mood, people think I'm happy or content. Really annoys me if I'm feeling anxious, upset, depressed or frustrated, or if smiling is inappropriate in a situation and I get told off for it. Getting rid of that smile is hard to consciously do too without pulling stupid faces.
Stimming, stimming all day long~
Common sense? Me? Hahahahahahaha no. You're more likely to find penguins in the sahara.
We should adapt - but we should not conform.
A life without tea is a life not worth living.
Latest Aspie Quiz: AS - 151, NT - 38 / RAADS-R: 195 / AQ: 38