kraftiekortie wrote:
I don't believe we should be "punished," either.
I just wish we had more programs which address the transition from adolescence to adulthood within an autistic context.
And within Vocational Rehab, we have to try to give autistic people "real" jobs, rather than merely stockboy-retail-fast food type jobs.
I wish I had had this when I was first out there : (
I DID end up in fast food- which was a horrific horrific onslaught of my senses, low wage, and it was all around pretty terrible- as most of those sorts of jobs tend to be.
I think autistic people should be nice to each other!! ! as long as the other person is nice.
Tit for Tat.
People are mean enough as if, no need to contribute to that hatred and sadness already out in the world.