i like how every1 here likes to discriminate about "NTs"
you act like "they" are a different kind of ppl. "they" are this "aspie" hating cult.
PEOPLE are generally good, tolerant, and try to be understanding. PEOPLE dont go around trying to hate aspies. if you go around being shy, avoiding eye contact, talking too quiet, always looking down, always alone, etc, people will notice that abut you. some ppl will be like "oh he was always like that, its just the way he is. lets just leave him be". other ppl will be like "oh i feel sorry for him, i would not like to be like that. he must have low confidence or be depressed. i will try to make him feel better", these are the ppl who will try to make u smile by doing something "cute" i find mostly girls do this.
the whole getting picked last for sports thing is not because ppl hate you, its because u dont look like u want to play. if you would try, have fun, and learn the game, people will like playing sports w/ you. the problem is most sports are not aspie-friendly, so most aspies never try to learn them.
i just thought of something. most of u probably started hating "NTs" in early grades of school... kids r cruel agionst other kids, even "NT" kids, its not an aspie-hating thing. its not until high school that ppl mature. dont judge ppl based on how they where as kids, kids are ret*d.