I have to be honest and share a bit of my experience.
I got an adult diagnosis for ASD a few years ago and I was told I was on the Aspergers part of the spectrum.
I have only ever worked manual jobs and from 17 until I was 23 was fired over and over again.
For 23 until 37 I worked in the one job but I was hated by co workers and I was bullied until that job closed down.
From 38 until I was 41 I got another job and I learned how to get on with people for the most part but it was not easy that job closed down also.
At the moment I am getting casual work and I can not depend on it.
I have a full weeks work this week last week no work two full weeks before that and next week who knows.
I live across the water in Ireland so the culture is very similar to the UK.
Your Autism is not your fault but I will be honest with you this paragraph does not look good for you.
I would like to work after my course, but my autism presents as episodes of severe challenging behavior, communications difficulties, constant stimming / rocking, severe social difficulties and severe sensory challenges. I am aware that working will not be easy.
I have all them symptoms to some degree but they are
mostly on the mild end of the spectrum.
Five years of getting fired and feeling suicidal and another 14 years of constant bullying and still feeling suicidal and that is on top of my horrific school life.
In the job I was in for 14 years I was almost fired twice for standing up for myself against bullying.
To this day I don't understand all the social rules and I have never had a relationship but I have learned enough to leave my naive attitude behind me.
How are you going to work for yourself?
Do you have funds for such a venture?
Don't let my post put you off I mean it I am just giving you an honest answer to how harsh the working life is to those on the Autistic spectrum and I can only imagine as the symptoms get more severe so does the challenge.
Two things are very different and your case you have a collage education and your also female so my experience mostly comes from working with males with a low level of education.