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26 Apr 2007, 3:46 pm

Years ago, I was put in DMR classes because I couldn't speak out my feelings or discribe well
and Asperger Syndrome was somewhat new to people therefore no one understood it.

But now a days I'm noticing that it's being more reconized these days and services are popping up like never before.

Plus one out of either 150 or 166 people have Asperger's or a form of Autisum.

I find it interesting and being thankful.

Thank You and have a nice day,

_Eric ;)


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26 Apr 2007, 4:17 pm

I totally agree. It's just nice to see that it's more understood, and that there's more and more people who have some experience with friends or relatives with Asperger's.



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26 Apr 2007, 4:23 pm

I've noticed this as well. I first heard of it (being told I probably had it and replying "what the f-" because I'd only heard of autism as in things like Mercury Rising) five years ago and had no idea what it was, but over the years I've noticed more being said about it, although a lot of people still haven't heard of it or have the wrong idea in some way. One thing I've noticed is that it's less often referred to now as "a form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome" in the media on the assumption people have heard of it.


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26 Apr 2007, 4:28 pm

I agree also! When I was young my mom had to explane what it was. Now when you talk about it or mention it. Some people will actually know what I'm talking about. Its a wierd feeling for me :?
I don't know though, I'm not good with feelings :oops:


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26 Apr 2007, 6:01 pm

It's 1 in 150.


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