I actually found this question by the OP being a very good question... I felt for many, many years a total feeling of loneliness, wanting to fit in, being part of a group, a loving partner etc.... what i have come to realize myself now is that all these things were for me based on social expectations... From an early age we get programmed to expect to act in a certain way, with certain expectations in life, however not everyone fits that mould! however the seed is still planted.... When i was in Bali a year and a half ago, i felt immense loneliness, i would seek out the quietest restaurants, view people socializing and enjoying themselves from a distance and the few individuals i did get to talk to, i would freeze and not know what to say... I got on better with the locals and the cultural side than i did with anyone else... However over the last several months, i have started to learn that spending time on my own isnt a bad thing and that it is actually good for me.. I feel more calm, can get absorbed in my online interests of which for a long time i felt immense guilt about, which added to feeling more lonely... I still do to some extent and wish to meet a partner i could share some life experiences with, but i am learning not to focus on that and its associated emotions as i felt it was destroying me somewhat.... My mind in effect became a quest to find a partner, but for me i am very fussy, not in an expectational sort of way, but it needed that click, that feeling of connecting, which is kind of sad because i do have people interested in me but i have no romantic emotional feelings for them whatsoever... It wouldnt be fair on them nor me... Also the hard thing about Bali wasnt just the fact i was already feeling damn lonely, i had pretty much every indo man and woman questioning me on why i wasnt married yet ( being 40 and all) which really didnt bloody help the situation! haha.... But i think once you can accept more of the time you have for yourself and accept that it is ok to maybe spend more time alone than what the social norm tends to be, you might feel a little more confident and a little more self esteem,.... its a hard one but for me i do feel a little better with it all now and am not as worried as i used to be about being on my own, as i realize i am different and different in a good way and not a bad way, and one day i may meet someone that does get me and not preoccupied with trying to destroy me or play with my head, as i seem to attract people on another spectrum, that isnt so good for my mental health!... I know its hard, but try not to focus on the loneliness, but focus on what you enjoy.... trust me, talking about rugby , beer and women gets very boring very quickly! your not missing much! lol... find online groups in your interests, get talking with them online or/and in your area...