For me the biggie is auditory things, like has already been mentioned here. People with loud voices, especially shrill ones, whooping and screeching, sudden harsh laughter, I just can't think when I'm exposed to that. And I'd rather risk burning to death than have a smoke alarm, they always go off whether there's a fire or not. Somehow it's preferable to those voices. I guess when a smoke alarm goes off, at least everybody agrees it's a problem and they'll try to stop it. But with voices, nobody else seems to think it could possibly hurt, and I'm in no fit state to be diplomatic about it, and even if I was, it seems too risky to ask them to stop, they seem to love it so. Once I got my diagnosis handed in at work I used to leave the room as soon as it got too much for me. Headphones with the right kind of music were helpful but they'd get uncomfortable. The only effective coping strategy I know is to keep people like that out of my life, and even these days it seems I can't always do that without upsetting somebody.