"Almost Live" was (IMO) one of the most brilliant products of American television. Produced by a small group in Seattle, it's what "Saturday Night Live" used to be, before SNL became little more than a "stepping stone" for those comedians who wanted to be Movie Stars. It had deep appeal to those of us on the spectrum, because a lot of the humor in it was either the classic "dry" humor or wordplay.
(One of my very favorite, albeit short, bits involved a stage magician, doing a standard card trick with a "volunteer from the audience". He has her look at a card, and put it back in the deck, then he plays with the deck for a while. Finally, he pulls one out: "Is this your card, madam?" She stares at it, shock and horror growing on her face, then points straight at the magician and starts screaming, "WITCH!! !")
Sadly, since it almost never depended on jokes whose punchline involved kicking someone in the nuts, it had little appeal to the Mass Audience, and simply slipped away one day.
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.