For starters, my mom is CLEARLY on the spectrum. She rocks *constantly*... I'm talking 24/7. If she's in a chair, she's rocking. If her legs are crossed, her leg is gonna be rocking 90 mph... I'm talking intense rocking here. She has absolutely zero social awareness - she talks way, way, way too much. She constantly doing things like continuing to talk to people when they have already gotten into their cars and actually started the engines, ready to leave our house/the mall/wherever they happened to meet.
The next major pointer has been that I am extremely gifted. Hate to brag, but it's the truth. I went to a rich surburban high school, and there were about 15 people in my graduating class who scored 1500+ on the SAT, and I even in this environment filled with brilliant people, I was considered "that guy so smart it's a little freaky." Math is a cinch, languages both native and foreign, piece of cake... very gifted in music as well. My memory is also ridiculous. I can remember almost word for word conversations from years ago, or facts I memorized about hockey when I was 14.
Exhibit C: obsessions. Throughout my life, I have always been absolutely *obsessed* with something. Video games as a young child, followed by grunge music, followed by ice hockey, followed by track, followed by guitar, followed by LSD (only tripped once, but have read many many books on it), followed by The Beatles... One summer I became hell bent on learning to read Japanese so that I could play import games. I learned 1500 kanji in about a month and a half, but by the time I finished, I realized I wasn't even that into games anymore, so I quit. I also have an extremely addictive personality, which I learned the hard way in college. Sadly, pot because my obsession for a while, but thankfully I no longer depend on it.
Socially, I have made some major mistakes, but luckily I think my alertness/intelligence has compensated in large part for the lack of intuition. I would say I have been plagued more by a general feeling of isolation than by my own social mistakes. Most people just plain bore me. I know more about my seventh interest than they do about anything, and it takes a very smart sense of humor to really tickle me. I do love humor, and most of my friendships, looking back, have revolved around mutually appreciated humor.
Oh, and stimming - I do it, although it could be a lot worse. I pick my hair a lot, wring my hands when I'm nervous (not too often), and rock sometimes in the privacy of my room. I do other random things too, like stroking my chest (don't ask me why). Also I sing to myself a lot, and *always* pace around the room when I'm on the phone. Done that as long as I can remember.
I have been obsessively reading these forums for the past few days in an attempt to really settle my self-diagnosis... I began reading about AS last fall, and I mentioned it to the psychologist I was seeing. She didn't know much about it, but she thought it made a lot of sense. Since then I've kept it in the back of my mind, but I've also had a lot of other stuff going on. Probably for the best - I think this needed to sink in a little bit. It seems obvious AS is the answer to the serious difficulties I experienced living on my own in college (addiction, social isolation), but I am still doubting it a little because the people I've mentioned it to (friends, that is - my dad probably thinks I have it, but like my friends, he seems to think it's bad, and he doesn't want me to dwell on it) have mostly either thought I was crazy or said something like, "Hmm, it's possible, but you know, I really wouldn't worry about it."
Anyway, any response is welcome. Hope everyone's doing well on this fine spring evening, or whatever season/time it is in your neck of the woods