When I'm at school, I'm ignored. People don't invite me anywhere. They don't seem to like me. Occasionally, they pay attention to me positively... And I hate it.
I don't know why. About four of my dad's college students held a dinner for him. They ordered pizza and we all sat out on a pavilion. They were all nice guys... Really nice. They paid attention to me speaking, made friendly comments and teasings, and addressed me. We played a game after dinner. They were all great, genuine people. And my dad liked them a lot, too.
But I don't feel good about it. I keep thinking they didn't mean their friendliness, or that I did something wrong. My dad told me I was glaring at them at first, but I didn't notice. I thought they must all think I suck, even though I have no evidence.
I feel lonely when people don't give me positive attention, and uncomfortable when they do.