Warning: long post!
So in a few days I'm going for a trial day at a new school. I have someone who goes to the school with me all day so I don't get lost.
The thing is, I don't know what to say to them. Should I act "normal" and hide the real me (although I've only been able to do this for about 10 minutes maximum before I say something weird and then I get stressed and say more weird things)?
I want to have a fresh start, but I don't know how to keep acting normal for more than ten minutes. Then I thought, maybe I should just be myself... But that really hasn't worked before, since I got bullied and isolated from other people because I tend to talk about my special interests too much, I need to have more time to process what someone's said, and I don't understand quite a few sarcastic comments, I take things too literally. I also stim, which has led to people imitating me and calling me names.
Should I act normal, or be myself? Also, how can I be normal for longer?
I'm pretty nervous.