Grue wrote:
I sense I know what to do. I fear I'm too lazy to do it. Maybe my executive function is completely broken.
This is probably going to sound overly harsh, but I don't mean it in a cruel way. If you know what to do, then DO IT! Laziness is not an excuse, especially if there is a possibility that someone might get physically hurt from your behavior. You have a responsibility to your family to get the help you need. If you can't get yourself to do it, maybe someone else can do it for you. Example: If what you know you need to do is call a psychologist to get help but you can't bring yourself to pick up the phone, try talking to someone you know and asking them to call for you to make the appointment. It was very difficult for me to pick up the phone and call a psychologist to get diagnosed, even though I had researched a good one online who specialized in both autism and LGBT issues (I am gay). I KNEW I needed help, and I KNEW who to get it from, but it was still very hard to call. Once I got past the first appointment, going back was very easy. I did it, and so can you.
You don't need to hide, my friend, for I am just like you.