I tend to fantasize that I'm in them, kicking some zombie or ghost or alien or whatever butt. I've done so often; even dreamed about this from time to time. My last couple of dreams in the genre involved me being in the movies "Aliens", and the remake of "House on Haunted Hill". Really, how bizarre is that? How many folks here would want to be stuck with the Colonial Marines in the atmospheric processing center after their mishap on LV-426? I would...
I can't put my finger on it, but I enjoy the horror genre, even though I do not become frightened by movies, or by much of anything really. Maybe I'm looking to experience feelings I've somehow lost? When I was a little boy, the original "The Blob" with Steve McQueen scared the holy bejesus out of me; I recall the stark terror that I felt, at the notion of some creepy thing that could slip through cracks and under doors, and would digest you if you so much as touched it.
But that was a long, long time ago...
In the same light, H.P. Lovecraft is one of my favorite authors. He was crazy like me; he was a dreamer like me; he loved cats like me; he was alone like me; he was a wordsmith like me... This is why Cthulhu is one of the gods in my personal pantheon.
I think I could survive any horror movie you want to drop me into.
B movies on the other hand just get the MST3k treatment. And that too can be a lot of fun; watching badfilm is in fact a hobby of mine. "Manos" The Hands of Fate was supposed to be a horror movie, wasn't it?
Good fortune,
- Icarus feels fear like a Kender...
Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.