BTDT wrote:
Lots of people don't really remember conversations made in the past--so you can't even assume that.
Well...Its the other way around. Its up to you to remember to assume that people dont remember conversations in the past.
And I constantly make the mistake of assuming folks do remember conversations in the past, and I will start up where we left off from a previous conversation- and always confuse the other person.
In 2012 a coworker began to ask me about the presidential election of that year. I was amazed that he didnt remember which party I was because "we talked about it in the '08 election", and he responded with equal shock that "I remembered a conversation we had four years ago". I was (still am) shocked that he was shocked about that...because it was a rather involved converstion (the 08 converstion, not the 12). In the 08 conversation he told me "I had you pegged as a [particular party]. So I am surprised that you're the other party". So that gave the 08 conversation a little emotional spark that stuck in my mind. So I assumed that he would remember it too. Oh well. I guess only aspies remember conversations!