I thought it was based on a bunch of symptoms you have and how they impair you and impact your life. It's very possible to have autistic features and not be autistic even if you have enough because they don't cause you any impairment in social and occupational functioning. But then again those autistic features might not be considered symptoms because they don't impact you or they are not severe enough for them to be considered a symptom even if they do have impact. It took me a while to realize this. It's not about symptoms and what you do, it's about if they cause you an impairment and how much they affect you. I also realized lot of people do things from the criteria but they are not symptoms. I just assumed no one did them except autistic people and if they did, they had traits.
I also think there are conditions out there that are basically autistic symptoms but they are for people who don't have enough to be autistic but their symptoms impact their life. I thought that is what OCD was for people who have routines and repetitive behaviors and obsessional interests. That is what I was told in high school so either I was misinformed or I misunderstood. There is also body movement disorder whatever it's called. There is also dyspraxia, anxiety, sensory processing disorder, language disorder, executive functioning disorder, social disorder, all these little things that make autism and my mom told me these are all called components and you need to have enough to have AS or autism. if someone doesn't have enough, they will have these other separate labels.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.