So i am going to high school next year and one of the most annoying/hypochondric/bitchy girl is probably gonna be in my class, and i have no idea how i am going to deal with her. Example of her behaviour:
-She says she is autistic/depressed/a psychopath/boderline/a ton of other things "based" on one online test consisting of about 5 questions
-Once i had to confront her about how she was hanging out in my house staircase and how that was against the rules because she doesn't live in the house (or anywhere near where i live for that matter...) and when i told her: "i know that you were in my staircase, but i also know it was x (a mutual friend)s idea, but just wanted to let you know that it is against the rules, and that i hope it doesnt happen again"
to this she responded with "mind your own business (said super rudely) and that you cant tell me what to do"
-Saying things like "i hate everyone" or "i could kill you" or "i want to kill everyone/x/you"
-Just being the typical white teenage tumblr girl
Diagnosed with
F84.8 (PDD-NOS) 2014
F33.1 Major Depressive Disorder, recurrent, moderate.