B19 wrote:
The complexity of this topic seems to me immense. Consideration of the fascinating issue of the where-of-separation between AS and personality is further complicated by the potentially huge impact of past traumas on personality, and the strange web woven of these interacting facets that comprise the curious being we call the Self.
It's very interesting.
See- lots of people say "your autism doesn't define you" , but if autism is a brain thing and your personality your likes dislikes and such are all derivatives of your brain architecture interacting with you surroundings... and that is filtered (or not lol) through the lens of being autistic/your autistic brain... then I mean seriously what is left after that?
Saying autism doesn't define you is like saying your brain doesn't impact the way you process things...
Once you take ur brain's way of processing things out of the equation- what are you left with?
On another note- it might help to define the term personality- what do we mean by that- what IS this so called personality in our selves and others that we are looking to define?
If you mean a set of dislikes/likes or preferences- those are determined by your genetics which are then shaped and determined/reinforced and such by your environment.
So basically what are we defining a personality to be?
What is a personality- once you do that I think you can get a better idea of how to separate things out.
This is it according to wikipedia:
Personality has to do with individual differences among people in behaviour patterns, cognition and emotion.