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04 Jun 2016, 7:32 pm

I wonder if anyone went through this too as kids.

I remember when I was a kid, I would do things to other kids like spray them with a garden hose and I can remember my mom doing things back to me like pinching me, spraying me with a garden hose, spitting in my face, etc. This was after she had disciplined me and I was still doing it so she did it to me to show me how it feels. I figured this had to due with TOM deficits or lack of empathy they would call it because I didn't understand how others felt and why they were reacting the way they were. I understand this is pretty normal in small children under age four perhaps especially one and two year olds but I was 5-8 years old. Pretty too old for this crap.

My son doesn't even have an ASD but I think he has TOM deficits because he failed the Sally Ann test I gave him and he sucks with picture sequencing (I wonder how many five year olds are actually good at it since picture sequencing is for children that young). But some kids don't pass the Sally Ann test until they are six so he has time before I consider it a true symptom. But today my kids were playing in the play pool and my daughter was sreaming and crying and I see my son pouring water out of the bucket next to her. I just go back to my game and then my mom comes out and she goes to the pool and starts pouring water all over him saying "This is how your sister feels, she keeps telling you "No" and my son starts crying and my mom got him soak and wet and she said "This is how your sister feels, do you like it?" and he goes "no" and she says "This is how it feels to her when you pour water on her." Then she stops and tells me he was pouring water over her head so she had to show him how it feels. He didn't do it again. But this reminded me of my childhood because my mom used to do the exact same thing to me, especially at an advanced age. But it taught me to give people a taste of their own medicine to show them how it feels when they don't quit. My ex hated when I did this to him. I was trying to show him how he was making me feel when he was acting like I am ret*d and feeling like he is with a child instead of with an adult so I said I feel I am with a teen and want nothing to do with him until he acts like an adult because that was what he was doing to me. He would ignore me unless I acted mature enough for him and he called it a game when all I was doing was just showing him how it feels. Would he like it if I just ignored him and if he felt he had to change who he is unless he acted mature enough for me.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.


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04 Jun 2016, 7:44 pm

Ugh no. The closest I ever came to my parents doing such a thing was having to give a cherished new toy to cousin who said I broke hers (Breyer Horses). She broke her own. :(

Or a time when my youngest was 6 and screamed near an hour while stimming and I screamed back the same way and said "please don't. It hurts our ears" and gave him a distracting snack to derail him totally.

As standard, I neither dished nor ever had that done in that extent to me. 0_0
I can't even recall any of the parents of friends or cousins doing that except my uncle's wife, Ruth. But she was committed for 4 years, in that same time period so not sure she counts. She was pretty hard on my cousin , he was likely an ADHD kid, or something similar, he had no malice but was always up to something. She screamed a lot and called him names all the time. *shudders at memory*

FFFFF Captchas.