My latest of many "neurotic episodes"

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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06 May 2007, 6:50 pm

I have 4S (Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome) which is
considered by some a component for many with Autism
and AS. Well gum and pen clicking(& others) are a HUGE
trigger for me….so much so that I pretty much quit my job
of 5+ years as well as moved over 2000 miles away from the
only state I have ever lived in so I could get away from the
sounds. I moved from California to Arkansas. (Cheaper, quieter)

The new environment in itself is freaky enough, what with
the tornados and baseball sized hail, and lots of bugs. There
seem to be more gum chewers no matter where I go these days.
At least the neighborhood is wonderfully quiet and rural which,
is, to me at least, Heavenly. Jobs are pretty scarce though.

When I see gum I go from zero to blinding rage,
jaw clenching, neck contorting agony, if I find myself within
eyesight or earshot of gum. A woman walked in with gum in
her mouth. I was NOT in a position where I was willing to
leave. (I had an important interview.) I started chewing
(mocking seems to slightly take the edge off, as well as not
looking at the “offender”. I put some ear plugs in too for
good measure.)

This has gotten me through countless times when I was not
in a position to leave, and it got me through this one as well.
Most NTs are very unsympathetic, not to mention
downright cruel when I occasionally think I can try and get
them to understand my acute hearing issues. It’s like finger
nails on a chalkboard…YUCK! I hate that helpless feeling
and I know lots of people think I am a spazz…oh well…..
sometimes it’s beautiful NOT to care what the heck any
one else thinks. So glad for forums to share what’s what.


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06 May 2007, 7:16 pm

Just try and remember that just because it is irritating to you when people do the gum chewing....they arnt doing it "at you" with the intent of annoying you.In some ways....gum chewing is a socially acceptable "stim" which relieves tenssion in people.I also hate seeing and hearing gum chewing,it just "looks" rude and sounds worse.

Ironicaly,in my attempts to quit smoking....I now chew,my apologies in advance.The alternative would be second hand smoke,so this is the lesser of evils.(I dont "smack" my gum though,I few chews and tuck it between cheek and gums).

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06 May 2007, 7:31 pm

i have moved to regional towns to escape city noise. i'm still looking for more quiet though.

gum is only semi-legal in singapore. could be your kinda place, very humid though.