millie wrote:
what do you mean "when growing up?"
in Oz we call them "thongs."
i wear thongs every day to this day. i have them on now. pink ones.
that is all i wear in summer. (i have a spare pare of sandals in case i cannot go somewhere with my favourite footwear.)
When growing up = as a child.
In the USA, "thongs" are specific pieces of underwear. I've heard that elsewhere what we call flip-flops are called thongs, though.
I guess my question should have been specifically directed at those who hate clothing tags and such, who are more affected by things like that. Someone not affected by things like that I wouldn't expect to be bothered by flip-flops, but I would expect it of someone who is bothered by tags, seams, etc. But that's the thing about humans, everyone is different in so many ways. I'm just having odd thoughts lately, over-analyzing everything and seeing how it relates to my having AS.
Hey Tim_Tex ... good to see you around, but I thought you left! lol
Anyway after I initially tortured myself with them, I got used to wearing them until my dog destroyed them. I haven't worn any in a couple months now, so I wonder if it would bother me trying to wear them now if I got a new pair.