Hi, DevilKisses. Hypermobile type is only one type of Ehlers-Danlos. There are lots of variations, 6 or 10, I think. But it is a genetic disorder that "runs true" in families. So if your sister is ever diagnosed with the hypermobile type, then there is little chance that you would have a different type. The main thing to remember about Ehlers-Danlos is that the ligaments and tendons tend to be rubbery, when they should be holding the bones together, and the muscles tend to be tense, to compensate for the lack of support normally offered by the ligaments and tendons. So it's quite possible, as people age, that they don't 'seem' hypermobile, because the muscles have learned to be constantly contracted to one degree or another, by adulthood.
This is one source of the pain in Ehlers-Danlos. The muscles, which are in spasm, are constantly suffering from micro-tears . . . very small tears in the muscle fibers. This would feel like pain in the muscles.
If a person is hypermobile, then the muscles are probably not in spasm, and a source of pain would be more in the joints, as bones pop out of place, or rub against cartilage in ways they're not supposed to. That would probably feel more like joint pain . . . like arthritis, maybe.
I have spastic muscles, and I don't have hypermobility to the degree that I would be diagnosed as having the hypermobile type of Ehlers-Danlos, even though I have a little hypermobility. I fit much more closely with another type of Ehlers-Danlos, so that's the one I'm going to be tested for.
I'm sorry that you have pain! I can very much relate to your post . . . chronic pain affects every minute of your life! I hope that you're able to find some relief!