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19 Jun 2016, 7:49 am

It seems I'm encountering a new special interest. Which is wonderful, but also puzzling. Because it's not as if I have never heard of this subject before and it's completely new information to me. I've been aware of this topic for years and never had any real interest in it and now, suddenly, I'm all over it!
What is behind the development of a special interest? What influences it? Why are you into those topics in specific? Is it because it's something new you encounter, or something you knew of beforehand and for some reason, suddenly get obsessed with? The reasons why THAT interest develops is an autism mystery I'd like solved.

Alexithymia - 147 points.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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19 Jun 2016, 9:26 am

I have noticed that when I develop interest in a subject it doesn't have to be new completely to me,it just haves to intrigue me;be interesting usually causing me to obsess about it or alternatively it's information I could apply to real life or other causes to help me;like autism and how many cope and see how it works for me,etc.

TL;DR It either has to interest me,or affect my daily life

When I mean intrigue or be interesting it's like if I see how genes are expressed and it interests me I might get a special interest in the subject even though before hand I already knew about science.

"Two things are infinite:
The universe and human stupidity;and I'm not sure of the universe"-Albert Einstein

Blue Jay
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19 Jun 2016, 9:36 am

Don't know if double posting is against the rules since I have seen nothing about it so pardon me if it is.

I'm interested in science,autism was explained in the other post.

In science,I've always like science,even though I found elementary school science boring except through the last years.But,around 4th grade I learned to use the internet.I found various studies and it intrigued me,catching my attention.Eventually I found channels like Scishow and Crash Course and it was truly then,my main special interest became science,biology being my favorite sub category.I've already watched their anatomy crash course,I'm planning on watching their psychology playlist when I have time. :mrgreen:

"Two things are infinite:
The universe and human stupidity;and I'm not sure of the universe"-Albert Einstein


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19 Jun 2016, 9:37 am

When I began listening to electronic music at age 14, I was blown away at how amazing and novel I thought it sounded.

I had never heard Dubstep before and was use to just hearing the same repetitive pop/rap/dance r&b/country my family listened to.

Electronic felt like a whole different world compared to those other genres.

My taste started with Dubstep and eventually evolved overtime, to Moombahcore to trap to ambient to jungleterror to trance and back again.

I started trying to produce it almost as soon as I started listening to it, so since 14 I've been making it and obviously over the years have improved, have upgraded my gear and programs I use, and changed genres and ideas all the time.

Most of my special interests have been about topics I didn't know or experience much at all.

This is why 'trying new things' is a good thing as I do tend to discover some unfound special interest this way.

I know very quickly if it's a special interest or not as my interest for trying said new thing skyrockets in a very short period of time.

Not long after I do a new activity, I can say with confidence "This is the beginning of something beautiful".


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19 Jun 2016, 10:56 am

Ive noticed quite odd things can set off a special interest in me. Even if its quite a rational, intellectual interest something as arbitrary as an interesting sounding word or name, or the way something or someone looks in a photograph can suddenly make me fascinated by the subject as a whole.

I suppose its a similar question to why do we like one piece of music over another, and why does this taste vary so significantly between people?

We all have different webs of connections that make up our brain. I guess sometimes something goes in that really resonates with what is already there for some reason, and that leads to a lot of connections firing at once and a feeling of great interest.