Not rare at all. I cover a lot of ground, but it's been too many years to figure out how to put them all in order of development, and they include various combinations of the following : Foreign-Languages, Psychology, Para-Psychology, Meta-Physics, Quantum-Mechanics, Quantum-Physics, Martial Arts, Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Conspiracy Theories, Coincidence-Theories, Conspiracy-Theorists, Sociology, History, Ancient-History, Abnormal-Psychology, Legalese, Hypno-Therapy, Frequencies, Mind-Control, Cooking, Cleanliness, Business, Organisational-Systems, Sex, Seduction, Pheromone-Generating, Showing Off, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Strategies, Self-Sufficiency, Spotlessness, Cleanliness, Research, Collecting Banned Material, Collecting Information on Suppressed Sciences, Cognitive-Dissonance, RPGs, MMORPGs, Free Food, Growing Food, Healthy Food, Air-Purifiers, Reverse-Engineering, Design, HTML, Secret-Languages, Secret-Code, Automation, Meditation, Tai-Chi, Iron-Body Training, Breathing, Orgonite-Pyramids, Rife-Frequencies, Truth-Seeking, Absolute-Pacifism, Reincarnation, Past-Lives Hypnotic-Regressions, Evidence, Theories, Alternate-Theories, Conspiratorial-Theories, Examination, Group-Think Research/Examination, Cult-Investigations, Multi-Dimensional Inter-Frequency Filming, Hentai, Internet-Marketing, More Kung Fu Training, etc., just to name a handful few interests that I got. I think the most-important obsession that one can have is to simply learn as much as they can.
curiouscat1993 wrote:
I see that a lot of aspies are interested and obsessed with science or math related fields and it's weird that I don't. I was never interested in them and I'm more obsessed with internet surfing and fitness. Are there any other aspie here that is not obsessed with math and science? Is it rare for an aspie to not like them?
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