dianthus wrote:
GarTog wrote:
gingerpickles wrote:
It cleared my thinking a bit, like that fresh early day clarity. Helped my focus.
But I had to stop taking it for something else on midwife order.
Never went back.
It has no huge heavenly chorus effect for me. Not likely to help anyone seriously moody or twitchy. it has been found to worsen ADHD and Alzheimer demntia.
Interested in the ADD comment - got a link gingerpickles?
I'd like to hear more about this too. Or any other herbs or supplements that are known to worsen ADHD.
I don't know why the St. John's Wort didn't do anything for me...could have been too low of a dose? I don't remember how much I was taking. It was made by Sundown Naturals. It just didn't seem to have any affect on me at all. Maybe I should try it again when I'm not taking other supplements.
There is a huge amount of information about dosage and most of it agrees on amounts - the only confusing part is "active" content over tablet strength but even that is fairly quickly sorted out.
As to drugs and ADD - I know that stimulants (amphetamine and cocaine) are reported to enable higher levels of coping (albeit in a transitory and illegal fashion!) and my own experience with Phenobarbitone was excruciating so anything that calms the nervous system may be suspect...