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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Jun 2016, 5:19 pm

Thinking of aspie children.
Has it ever happened that some parents have preceived their kid as neurotypical, eventhough they have asperger?

The question; Is it possible to have asperger, and grow up showing minimal signs like aggretion and severe meltdowns until almost adulthood?

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Jun 2016, 8:48 pm

I didn't know my son had Asperger's until I accidently came across the term a year ago. I just knew he was like me.

Looking back, I remember sometimes he wouldn't answer to his name but I didn't see it as "not answering to his name" because that is a neurotypical perspective. To me, those who were repeatedly calling his name were just being annoying!

Another sign was he would just stand in one place while his basketball team would run back and forth across the court, which didn't bother me because I couldn't blame him. I wouldn't want to run back and forth, either.

A couple of times other parents would tell me they were concerned for my son because he was "different". Well that didn't bother me in the least. I have been called weird many times. In my experience, "weird" is a term that boring people use.

There must be other autistic kids out there who are seen as normal by their (unknowingly) autistic parents.


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26 Jun 2016, 10:00 pm

My parents had no idea that there was anything wrong with me until my first grade teacher (who has an aspie son) pointed out some of my strange behaviors and suggested that my parents look into it further, and I was 6 years old at the time.

Also known as MarsMatter.

Diagnosed with Asperger's, ADD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder in 2004.
In denial that it was a problem until early 2016.

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27 Jun 2016, 12:46 am

I had meltdowns as a kid and sometimes I had aggression towards things. I was still seen as normal. I was just seen as having a bit of a temper. I was seen as oppositional even if I only wanted to be independent and have independent thoughts. Still no one thought that was because of anything.

What happened? Pretty much nothing happened. I went to school, I went to university. I got pretty burnt out. I contacted psychiatry about feeling bad and anxiety. I was diagnosed with a row of different things. Way past 30 I was finally diagnosed with Asperger's.


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27 Jun 2016, 3:10 pm

Betten wrote:
Thinking of aspie children.
Has it ever happened that some parents have preceived their kid as neurotypical, eventhough they have asperger?

The question; Is it possible to have asperger, and grow up showing minimal signs like aggretion and severe meltdowns until almost adulthood?

Yes, I am one of those examples. Everyone 'knew' there was a problem with me, it was in all reports. Problem was I always looked the part and had a high vocabulary and my father would beat me whenever he thought I was being rude or didn't look him in the eye.

So I've become "The Actor" many things about myself I didn't even know was different until years later. Even though I knew there was a problem I didn't know the what and the why because often no one told me there was a problem or the only thing that was told to me was a slap or kick from my father.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Jun 2016, 12:03 am

Thanx you guys!
Reading your stories has been helpful.
I have come to love this forum.
Thanx again!

Too bad people can't intuitively understand us ang "get where we are"