Fnord wrote:
zkydz wrote:
Since you can't or won't accept the really useful suggestions I've made so far, then the only other suggestions I have are either stay off of the Internet, or put up with the distractions.
Got a bit of an attitude problem there?
1. I do not 'can't or won't'. I gave reasons. It is not your place to put a value judgement on this
2. You made general suggestions at best, I asked for specifics based on the issues I have encountered...so, if you choose not to be helpful, but instead just posture a bit, I have to wonder what that purpose is as you make it sound as if you have delivered a bolt of knowledge from the blue that solved everything.
I asked for specifics, if you don't want to make suggestions, like oh, I don't know, a specific blocker for a specific browser, then you have added nothing to this at all.
I would like to thank you for your
most helpful
Ya like the sarcasm back atcha?
Seriously? Stay off the internet or put up with it. Hmmmmm...
I think I know which it is now......Thank you for helping make that decision.
Diagnosed April 14, 2016
ASD Level 1 without intellectual impairments.
RAADS-R -- 213.3
FQ -- 18.7
EQ -- 13
Aspie Quiz -- 186 out of 200
AQ: 42
AQ-10: 8.8