"How are you?" or "How are you doing?"
Before you even glance at me to wait for the response that you think that you should just get from everybody, you just ruined my thoughts. You asked me a question, and I think that questions are supposed to have answers generated by the person asked. Not only will I be trying to think about how I am feeling, but I will also be thinking about what a stupid question that I think that is anyway. Not until after moments of vocal silence do I realize that you are just using that silly catch phrase of "politeness," for whatever reason, not actually wanting to know how I'm feeling. Things that I think about when you ask me that question consist of, "How am I doing? How am I doing what? What kind of a question is that anyway? How am I what?" I then quickly remember off of memory that you mean, what feelings have gone through out my day. After I think THAT, I think of all of what emotions I am feeling, and then I remember that you are just using a silly catch phrase, that logically makes no sense at all. These thoughts all do happen rather quickly, and sometimes skipping various ones it seems, but it will always mess up what I was thinking of, no matter how it all happens. After you ask that, I stutter to use the "correct" words that you're wanting to hear, and then forget what I was thinking of before. Why do you do this?
If you are going to say something to me all the time that makes NO SENSE logically, and will completely mess up what I was thinking, then I will soon begin responding to you with something that for some reason won't make sense to many of you neurotypicals.
You: Hi, how are you?
Me: How am I what?
You: How are you doing?
Me: How am I doing what?
You: Heh heh.. Uh, well anyway... Uh, I was going to say...
That's how I feel when you ask me, "How are you?" I feel very awkward and confused, and then I forget what I was thinking! At least my responses in the dialog above actually make sense to me, while if I really asked you what your question means, you probably would stutter to answer, and say, "Oh, it's just...I"
You make me feel awkward, confused, and in the end overall angry when you do this.
"You" is referring to just the people that ask this silly little greeting question.
What other aspies, or anybody feel this way?