Do any other Aspies out there have a difficult time with Facebook? I have an extremely hard time with Facebook. I have joined FB twice, quit it once and now have not signed into it for over a month. It's just too much information coming at me from too many directions at once.
As Tony Attwood has noted, we Aspies are better at writing things down than talking about them. This is definitely true for me. I am much better putting things into words (and sometimes I have to borrow the words of other people) on paper, on the computer and on email. But I can't handle FB. Too much information. I cannot focus on more than one thing at a time. I have AS with Pure O (as OCD egodystonic thoughts are called to distinguish Pure O from other kinds of OCD) diagnosed as a co-morbidity, but a friend of mine who has noticed my FB problems thinks that I should get myself tested for ADHD--a co-morbidity also common in Aspies.
We Aspies are all supposed to be masters of all things computer, but the reality is it all depends on how your Asperger's affects you.
And it just p**ses me off that everybody, absolutely everybody, expects you to be a f***ing Facebook maestro. There's no other way of contacting them and they seem to think the whole world is on, or should be on, FB. Not a single person even seems to think that any individual could possibly find FB too much for them. So we're left out in the cold.
Diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome by Dr. Joel Jeffries of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. No intellectual or language impairment.