If I'm being yelled at/ lectured by my parents, I go mute even if in my mind I'm having a complete conversation back. The most recent example of this was the first car accident with my first car I bought. I ended up going silent and started to tear up and all I could get out was "Just go" to my mom, as she was leaving for work and she didn't want me and my dad to fight when she was gone.
In my head, I was thinking of all my replies to my parents but I couldn't get them out at all. If I'm feeling like my point isn't being heard or validated (like at the doctor's office) then I just nod my head, mumble a yes or no/ don't really say anything else and kinda shut down, and leave. Those are my experiences with it anyways. Unless you count me not saying anything for several hours after I come home from work (and say hi/ small talk with family) cause I'm just drained and tired.
Lover of comics, tv, movies, video games, fuzzy blankets, animals, writing, crafting, and tumblr. I'm trying to figure out what is going on in my brain at the moment.
Self-Identifying Aspie working towards getting an official diagnosis
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Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 59 of 200
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