I mean faith in general. Anyone who knows me will know that I never put any stock into religions for varying reasons. Buddhism may be the exception, because none of them rape children or mow down innocent people with a truck.
I have:
- no faith in the future of the human species
- no faith in the justice system of my country (Australia) which has failed so many people more times than there are stars in the universe
- no faith in ever getting a long-term (or preferably life-long) partner, because I'm not into women and men seem to only want one thing and then discard you like a used nappy
- no faith in science ever conquering religion on a global scale and rightfully crushing the latter beneath the former's heel
- no faith in us ever getting off this cesspool of a planet anytime soon
I've also lost faith that things will get better, not just for me but for everyone who is deserving of such. The world is just going down the toilet; ISIL, Trump likely being president, religion in general, the cops-vs-blacks trouble in the US...and so much more. The negatives are drowning out the positives.
This sounds incredibly depressing I know, but that's the point. I feel as if I've been born into the wrong timeline, or even the wrong universe. Almost everything just seems incompatible. So much is wrong and there's no way to make it right. I lack the funds, I lack the means, and as fictional as this will sound, I lack the "power". All of this makes me sad. Makes me sometimes wish that I was never born, or at least not on this world.
I've thought about ending it before, several times. But I never did. Something seems to keep me going in this hell. I'm trapped until I eventually die.
Sorry. This is sad I know. But it's the truth. My truth. I feel like I don't belong. I feel alone. Without at least someone special to be mine for life, what is the point of life itself!