Someone says that autism is curable and that it is a result of poisoning.
Diamond, this is totally understandable! Here's the thing though: your child is in extreme pain, that's why he's acting out. He has mercury poisoning! If you don't believe me, watch the documentary "Trace Amounts." I'm a recovered autistic, I used the Andy Cutler protocol with DMPS to detox the mercury, and I lost my diagnosis. I've been detoxing using this method off and on for four years. Autism is curable, and anyone who tells you it isn't is either a criminal who's involved in making kids like yours sick, and is trying to cover it up, or someone who wants to profit off sick kids. Autism was miserable for me, but life is good now. Cutler knows what he's talking about, he's a Princeton-educated PhD chemist who cured himself of mercury poisoning.
Is this true? It's a comment on a blog and I can't contact the person who posted it.