Racer_J wrote:
usually after I think about what I had said, I realize I had worded it wrong and the person probably didn't understand what I was trying to get across.
That happens to me all the time. I'll also realize I left out vital information, so that they would have had no idea of what I was talking about.
The worst was one time when I was at the eye doctor's, and I was idly listening to a conversation across the hall (not on purpose, I couldn't help it) where two people were talking about dogs. That made me think of something, so I suddenly said to my eye doctor, "Speaking of dogs, blah blah blah..." She gave me this startled look, but I didn't figure out why until later. She probably thought I was completely nuts- that the voices in my head had been talking about dogs or something. If I'd realized at the time, I could have clued her in to the conversation across the hall.