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11 May 2016, 11:04 am

Trivial, perhap, but I cant help but ask.
Thruout my life, maybe once a year, in the afternoon, without warning,
i feel the sudden sensation like a buzz-saw slicing through my skull.
But it's swift enough and somewhat gentle enough that it doesn't make me jump out of my skin,
but just takes my breath away for a few beats. & usually I'm laying down.
I've bumped into 2 other people in my lifetime who said they knew what i meant and experience this too
but neither long enough for me to ask if they have any clue as to what it's about.
Maybe it's a flush of chemicals along some cranial plane.
Wonder if anyone here has had anything like this too —
and if anyone has any idea what's behind it.
Trivial, but — curiosity is my religion.


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11 May 2016, 6:16 pm

i feel i must congratulate you for casually writing something so creepy

you're probably on the right track with the "flush of chemicals along some cranial plane" hypothesis.
my first guess was that it could be caused by an infrequently expressed combination of activities in blood vessels and nerve tissues. my second guess was that it could have something to do with the inner ears.


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11 May 2016, 9:32 pm

thanks, seaweed & arielhawksquill.
It shall continue to remain a mystery.
Yes I've had a bit of the phenomena you mention
arielhawksquill, but it seemed more cut&dry.
Like, "Oh! a buzzer just buzzed. But it's not my
doorbell ... oh, it's in my head. Oh, ok! Back
to the crossword puzzle ... " But this one's weirder ...

BTW, I don't make quills out of ariel hawk feathers,
but I've been having fun making them out of bamboo ...
really neat with walnut ink ...


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14 May 2016, 8:06 am

Can you describe it better?

I would guess its a form of migraine and possibly related to nutrutional deficits/fluctuations.

Try methylfolate + excessive B12 + some B6 + multivitamin supplementation. Migraines can have many causes, but B vitamin deficiency is a common one. Methylfolate is expensive, but its worth the money since its the only folate that is certainly absorbed properly. And many people have some sort of MTHFR issue.

A "flush of chemicals/atoms" is a nonsense explanation.

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30 Jul 2016, 10:40 pm

describing it with a little finer degree of granularity ... it happens in a split-second, but so remarkable it pre-empts whatever else was occupying consciousness, and leaves me a little startled. It's easiest described as a buzz-saw going across my skull ... oftenest along the corpus callosum ... but sometimes varying from that vector / trajectory ... there's a sensation and then it's gone ... it almost feels auditory but it's not ... and the brain doesn't have any neurons for "feeling" ... but it FEELS highly *palpable* ... AND it doesn't happen often, maybe 3 or 4 times a year ... at most ...

I'm a vegan and take b-12 daily but can try more ... I also take a multi-B daily, but can add B-6 ... i also take a multi daily ... and have bookmarked methylfolate ... but i'm not so much concerned about it going away than getting to the cause ... and wondering if my wiring might be implicated ... elsewhere i posted about brain waves and got ZERO response ... yet i remember hearing decades ago about left-brain/right-brain 'abnormalities' in autism ...


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01 Aug 2016, 3:32 am

ConnectingTheDots wrote:
Thruout my life, maybe once a year, in the afternoon, without warning,
i feel the sudden sensation like a buzz-saw slicing through my skull.
But it's swift enough and somewhat gentle enough that it doesn't make me jump out of my skin,
but just takes my breath away for a few beats. & usually I'm laying down.

Wonder if anyone here has had anything like this too —
and if anyone has any idea what's behind it.

i have had a series of experiences that may somewhat relate to this.
i think the experiences i had (about 10 times in total) were flashbacks in a strange way to earlier LSD trips i had some years before.

these experiences are difficult to describe but i will try.

imagine a circular saw blade forever spinning silently but very rapidly in an empty space inside your mind. you are never aware of it's existence and the fact that it is spinning (it is oriented vertically in my mind) so fast and in such a well balanced way.

then, out of the blue, usually while very relaxed, it suddenly grazes against some wall of my minds empty space, and produces a sensation that seems to sound like a large circular saw coming into contact with a steel item in a workshop. it makes me snap to alert, but it disappears almost instantly and leaves me wondering what the hell it was, and hoping i do not start experiencing it more often.

the subjective mindset during the experience can also be described this way:

you know that rumble you hear in your head when you yawn heavily and squint your eyes closed while doing so? it is like a thundering sound, and it seems to give vent to nervous tension stored in the back of your neck.
the yawn goes for about 5-7 seconds, and the saw sensation is like the yawn sensation, except that the entire process is compressed into about 1/8th of a second, and so the amplitude of the yawn sensation is increased to squeeze into that time frame, and the pitch of that aural thunder of the yawn is raised to a level where it sounds like a saw grating and squealing in a workshop.
but it is all over before you have time to ponder what is happening, so all you have to rely on is the memory of the event.
anyway, i stopped having them in my mid 20's and they never happened again.

otherwise, i think there is a condition that some people refer to as "brain zaps" which they describe when they stop taking ssri medication, and i think they may be similar to my flashback saw grind sensation, and they represent a slightly erratic electrical impulse pathway through the brain. distantly related to epilepsy i guess.