randomeu wrote:
to be honest i kind of find the antics of the show a little....offensive, the constant sighing, mocking, complaining and attempts to change him over all his little quirks and ways of doing things just annoys the hell out me, i get that in real life i don't need to be reminded.
I don't watch TBBT, actually, but given that it's a sitcom, all characters are caricatures of real characters, that is, exaggerated. There is this Spanish show, La que se avecina, where one character (Violeta Recio) has some kind of unspecified mental disorder, like a mixture of schizophrenia and more things, and there was this organization of people with mental disorders who formally complained about the character. But I don't find her offensive, because I know she's just a sitcom character.
lostonearth35 wrote:
You should have added "A national health crisis caused by vaccines that ruins that turns children into mass murderers", because I'm sure that's what most NT's would choose if they had the guts to answer honestly.
I like that one!
kraftiekortie wrote:
It's not "fashionable" disorder.
Maybe it was circa 1995-2000.
It is "fashionable" now in Spain. Yes, we are so many years behind the US, I know!
Thanks everyone so much for your insight! It's good to see that my imagination was not so bad when creating this poll!