I've been thinking lately I should explore my artistic side. My whole family has a good artistic sense; maybe it's genetic, I dunno. I've kind of been tripped up by wondering what the ceiling is on achievement in that area would be for me, though. This is a quote from my latest and thus-far most rambling post in the Haven:
I've thought about more artistic endeavors, but I'm... dubious about this. I seem to have some talent, but to my knowledge I've never seen art or writing from a fellow aspie that I thought was worthwhile. It always seems soulless, derivative and mechanical, and my efforts have had much the same feel to them. Maybe it's not something I'm capable of.
I stand by this. It has been my experience, but there's a lot of people on these forums who are more informed than I am on these matters. So what I'm asking here is that people prove me wrong. Really; I
want to be wrong, here!
Does anyone know of any
diagnosed aspies who have been commercially successful with some art medium? Could be visual arts (painting, photography, etc.), creative writing (fiction, in particular)... whatever, as long as it's that person's primary source of income and they are
known to have autism.
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.