somanyspoons wrote:
MentalIllnessObsessed wrote:
Hello. I have been reading a book on executive functions and one of the executive functions is metacognition. I forget what their definition of it was though. But I know for me, I have difficulties in self-monitoring according to a psycho-educational assessment I just got done. Self-monitoring is part of the metacognition, which shows that I lack in this area. I am having a hard time understanding the meaning of self-monitoring though, so hopefully my book will fill in this gap in my mind.
So my answer for you: I don't do this a lot because I lack in this area. Maybe it's common, I'm not sure. I can tell you for sure that it is a weakness for me.
May I ask what book?
It's called (it's a really long title/subtitle) "Smart but Scattered Teens: The "Executive Skills" Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential". It's suppose to be for a parent, but I am reading it by myself. I haven't gotten very far (the first 20 pages), but it seems interesting already. I have my assessment with me while reading it so I know what are my weaknesses in terms of executive functions.