lostonearth35 wrote:
If you shouldn't be proud of being autistic then I guess people shouldn't be proud of being gay or black or being left-handed or Canadian or whatever since they didn't work to achieve that, either. In fact I'm sure most gay people would rather not be if they had a choice, and having parades and stuff is all a bunch of stereotyped, flamboyant rainbow-hued nonsense.

Honestly, I don't know how people are proud of those things either.... I am not having a go at anyone, I just feel pride is something you should earn.
Should i be proud to be a white male?...
I have zero problem with anyone, A gay person could be proud of coming out, or being strong when people are trying to get them down. A black person could be proud that they have overcome racism and obstacles in there life related to there race.
But being proud to be born with a certain colour of skin? or sexual orientation? You have done nothing to achieve this, it's the cards you were dealt. It doesn't mean you can't be happy with who you are or what you have overcome.