kraftiekortie wrote:
Autism Speaks, in essence, should allow "autism to speak" And who better to provide the "voice of autism' than people with autism?
I see your point about it being a child/parent-centered organization concentrating on people who are "low-functioning."
Like you stated, in essence, maybe they should change their name?
Hell, I'm not even asking for a name change. Change the mission statement.
There is nothing wrong in what Autism Speaks does. Fund raise for a cure. Start early childhood intervention programs, lobby state and local governments for better supportive housing and care. All noble and worthy causes. I know people get bent about hearing *cure*, but people fund raise for what they want. Who am I to judge.
My major bone of contention with A $, is they claim to represent the whole spectrum, when in reality it's a pretty specific slice of the spectum. The newly diagnosis, families with minor children and families with adult children who will never live out side of structured care.
It's more misrepresenting what autism truly is than anything the group does. There is a real part of the spectrum that their videos show. But A $ never show adults working, who have relationships, have children and those issues. Why? People won't open their wallets for that? View point that problems are less? Hearing about the abysmal employment and divorce rate for ASD people isn't sex enough?
Be honest with the mission statement, then you'll hear not a peep from me. Keep the name, keep that stupid logo, keep the whole board loaded with NTs, but be upfront you don't represent the whole spectum.