Moondust wrote:
I told my boss, if I'm such a catastrophe, why don't you fire me instead of tormenting me all the time?
In most US states, if you quit, they don't have to pay you unemployment benefits. But if they fire you for anything except gross misconduct, even for bad performance, they still have to pay your benefits. They don't want to do that. So they keep tormenting you, to push you into quitting.
My advice: Do not quit! Don't do anything that looks like misconduct, obviously. But don't try to "improve performance" or "prove your good name", either. They don't care, they really don't. Just coast along until they fire you, because that's they'll do it no matter what.
There's also something called "constructive termination". You can claim they created an environment so hostile that quitting was your only option. But it's very difficult for the employee to prove, especially for us aspies. Your boss will fight it tooth and nail. So don't even try claiming constructive termination. Wait to be fired.