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Do you think I am aspie?
Yes 67%  67%  [ 12 ]
No 11%  11%  [ 2 ]
Maybe -or it could be something else 22%  22%  [ 4 ]
Total votes : 18

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 Jun 2007, 11:50 am

do you think that i am aspie?.

My mum thinks I have social anxiety because I find it really hard communicating with people,
but I think that I am aspie
This is a day in my life ( a school day anyway)

I always get up at 6:36 am.if it's later than this, the whole morning just feels wrong.
I get ready in the same order every day and i always leave the house at the same time.
I walk to school a back way, which is longer, but it means I dont see so many people.
I have my earphones in so I have an excuse for not talking to anyone I know if I see them approach.

whem I get to school I follow someone else into my tutor room because I get nervous about opening the wrong door
and I think people will laugh if i get the wrong one.When i finally go in, I walk around the chav table-ignoring their shouts
of "you never talk to us"-walk around the back of the classroom and sit in the same spot every day.
As my name gets nearer on the register I get anxious and say something really stupid to the person I am sat next to so that I can physically answer my name.
In lessons I hardly talk, except for in maths because I always have to help people do their homework and tell them the answers. (or science- I'm usually spilling acid on myself or setting my book on fire or something stupid like that)
at breaktimes and lunchtimes i am listening to music because if people think I can't hear them, they dont say anything.I don't talk to them because I have to concentrate on following the conversation and after a while my mind gets tired of all the people and shuts off.
I have been called "ret*d" on a few occasions especially after today, when I went into my planet and started fiddling with cobwebs that were hanging from a wall.When I came back into the right planet I'd missed pretty much the whole lunch.
One friend I have in school (who has OCD) always says that I am a social ret*d.(she says that she is too and we laugh about it)

some other random things:

I am incredibly clumsy, I walk into doors often and have broken my front teeth 8 times from random accidents.
I hate being touched lightly because it makes me jump and I can feel it for ages afterwards.
I am quite light sensitive and very noise sensitive.
I have an IQ of 130+ and pretty much everyone who likes me calls me "the human calculator"apart from my mum who calls me a human Google.
I live in my own world at least 3/4 of the time
What I have thought for most of my life is that I'm not supposed to be on this planet;that I came from a different planet to study humans.


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04 Jun 2007, 11:59 am

do you think that i am aspie?.

you definitely fit here :)
I always get up at 6:36 am.if it's later than this, the whole morning just feels wrong.

this is funny, my time is 6:34 :)
What I have thought for most of my life is that I'm not supposed to be on this planet;that I came from a different planet to study humans.

i thought this too. and from what others wrote here, we are not the only ones :)

welcome to WP


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04 Jun 2007, 11:59 am

i think you should get yourself tested for it.
i am usually like you are at school.
i am all of those things and i have full-blown aspergers.
if you have it
dont use it as an excuse for things and be proud of it.

kris out :)

Haven't been here a while. Huh.

Blue Jay
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04 Jun 2007, 12:09 pm

tomamil wrote:
I always get up at 6:36 am.if it's later than this, the whole morning just feels wrong.

this is funny, my time is 6:34 :)

Mine is 7:07 (and I check my alarm clock 7 times before I go to bed)

When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself. My epiphany was less grandiose. It was quite the opposite. I realized I was talking to myself, but no one was listening.


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04 Jun 2007, 12:37 pm

jackhippy wrote:
tomamil wrote:
I always get up at 6:36 am.if it's later than this, the whole morning just feels wrong.

this is funny, my time is 6:34 :)

Mine is 7:07 (and I check my alarm clock 7 times before I go to bed)

i wake up at that time without an alarm clock, almost every day. if i close eyes and fall asleep, then it's difficult to wake up again.


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04 Jun 2007, 12:50 pm

I don't think so!

In fact, it's actually mainly because you've been called names, I think!

Jason Larsen
[email protected]

Snowy Owl
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04 Jun 2007, 6:26 pm

Textbook IMO.


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04 Jun 2007, 7:03 pm

jackhippy wrote:
tomamil wrote:
I always get up at 6:36 am.if it's later than this, the whole morning just feels wrong.

this is funny, my time is 6:34 :)

Mine is 7:07 (and I check my alarm clock 7 times before I go to bed)

Mine's 6:06.


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04 Jun 2007, 8:31 pm

You definitely have a lot of the signs-which I have as well.

I begin my day precisely at 6 a.m., although my cats wake me up around 4 a.m.

I like to do things at certain times every day.

My strong subjects were English and anything involving research and study. I also like learning languages.