I am a picky eater. I also have a lot of foods that make me sick to my stomach. I cannot properly digest animal proteins and milk upsets my stomach as well. I would be a vegan, except for my love of cheese and honey.
I think my food weirdness most shows in the amount of foods I self prepare. I don't, for example, eat a lot of store bought bread. I make my own flat breads or biscuit type things. I don't buy store bought pizza, I make my own. I also am not a fan of that spaghetti sauce type of pizza sauce... I prefer olive oil, basil and garlic sauce, so I put those things on my pizzas instead. I do not buy ice cream because of my milk issues and the vegan options are really expensive... but someone bought me an ice cream maker years ago so I use canned coconut milk, some mashed up bananas and a little cinnamon.
For dinner last night I seasoned cubed sweet potatoes, coated them in oil, used garlic, chili powder, pepper, basil, and oregano... then baked that stuff. I also had leftover apple salsa I made. I piled that stuff into a tortilla and added some cheese and it turned out to be a pretty good burrito. I wish I could have had black beans to add, but I ran out of them.
"...don't ask me why it's just the nature of my groove..."