I would say I appear more Vulcan than robotic
Me too. People have used variations of this theme, describing me as "zen," "calm," then less kindly as "uninterested," "indifferent," to "dead." I recently had a run in with this in a job interview and the subsequent dissection of it by the employment agency. The real kicker of this is I notoriously don't speak with a monotone due to years of cross-gendered socialisation and my voice does have appropriate variations, I do okay with facial expressions and I know my face is not completely blank, I'm a bit short on body language but I know for a fact I was not sitting there perfectly still.
The point is, even if you do find out how to act more NT, for people who have this complaint, it never seems like you act
enough just like they do. I told the employment agency I was working on getting myself into a situation where not only was being calm a decided asset, not a failing, but that there would be no need to play act because my work and training will end up speaking for themselves. I vote putting ourselves in situations where we can just be, not trying to change ourselves to every petty situation.
Alexithymia - 147 points.