Although I can understand why some people may find birthdays annoying, I like celebrating mine for multiple reasons.
On a personal level, I don't consider my birthday a celebration of being a year older so much as the celebration of being here at all. I've always been someone who stops and looks at her surroundings, such as observing a beautiful sunset or watching a bee go from flower to flower, and can just be happy to be a part of it all. Then, as I have learned about biology and my odds for actually existing, I feel like I have become even more appreciative of that fact.
For me my birthday is the marker of the day that my being a part of it. If this isn't something worth celebrating, I don't know what is.
Then there is the family aspect. For me, days like birthdays and certain holidays were always considered special family time, rather than a time to sit alone and reflect.
We would have fun together as a group, especially the present exchanging holidays.
Both the act of giving and receiving gifts is special in our family although, in many ways, I like seeing what happens when other family members getting my gifts than when I get something.
When I was young, I had problems celebrating my birthdays with other kids, whom barely knew me and were really only there for pizza and fun with each other. Eventually, my family came up with the idea of doing something small and special that I would enjoy, instead.In my case, this ended up being dinner cruises on Lake George with my family and, at most, one friend.I enjoyed getting to go up on deck or down to the dance floor at my leisure during these trips and the fact that they were willing to to this for me made it all the more special.
Furthermore, I have great memories from these trips. There's the minor things that almost seem to blend together from one cruise to the next, such as the wonderful views of the lake we got on deck or the fun of kicking off my fancy shoes and dancing with other people who just want to have fun on a cruise. Then there were memories that would end up being far more important, such as a time my Grandma on my mom's side came along. She had so much fun when the music started, dancing with us on the floor in a happy and lively manner that, in a way, totally defined whole her personaliy, even if she was having a little trouble with her feet. It was one of the last times we would see my Grandma before Alzheimer's set in and one of the last great memories I will have of her.
I think that, because of a combination of my outlook about what my birthday means to me, how I celebrated it with my family when I was younger and the memories that I have because of that, my birthday will always be a special one worth celebrating.