Be glad you don't live in my neighborhood.
I live near a firehouse and a hospital, so you can imagine
the sirens I hear in the middle of the night.
I also live near an airport, so you can imagine the plane engines overhead.
It's not constant, but it's common.
I actually enjoy hearing natural sounds like crickets.
Wind blowing through the trees is nice.
Voices in the stream? Interesting ... I would simply hear water passing by.
Don't like dogs barking, don't like the occasional creaks, but oh well, I live with it.
My neighbors are, at this point in time, generally quiet.
Here's an idea, don't know if it will work for you, and it's kind of unusual.
How about, instead of focusing on how the sounds are keeping you awake?
You focus on, simply put, the sounds themselves?
Like the wind blowing through the trees ... simply acknowledge that it exists and is happening, and then move your thoughts on from it after accepting it.
As for the "voices in the water" ... is this your imagination at work?
Because that is a sound I know I would not want to focus on, so I would handle it a different way, depending on knowing more about what's causing the fear.