Pete1051 wrote:
Looks like a new area of research. It sounds promising. makes a lot of sense. It explains how someone can have a high vocabulary, but not be able to communicate with people.
This article was essentially saying that in the autism spectrum, the different parts of the brain aren't working together like a team.
Yeah, it's explaining a lot of things like that for me, that's why I'm interested in reading more. I want to make sure I'm understanding it correctly and putting the puzzle pieces together properly in my mind. As for communication specifically (since you mentioned it), I'm fine if I'm sharing facts or information but my ability goes right out the window for any other communication - social or whatever. Even though it's all communication, is it different brain processes? Fascinating stuff. There's also things like why my ability to process input, figure out what to do about it, and physically (or verbally) respond goes out the window or at least slows down significantly in certain situations (especially if I'm overloaded) but I'm ok in other situations. Again, I'm guessing the difference is probably different cognitive processes. You mentioned an article - do you have a link for it? It sounds like it may be one I already read but maybe not.