Danielismyname wrote:
"Me." I’m…I was disordered and disturbed compared to my peers; if I’ve ever had any.
"Objectively", all the professionals see autism spectrum stuff as social retardation, i.e, you're held back socially compared to the "majority" of the population; I’m socially ret*d because I didn’t…don’t speak to anyone other than a professional, and then it’s only words that are pertinent to the subject in our hand, and only in a voice that isn’t mine. I know my voice, and that one isn’t it. Yeah…if I cannot; you cannot interact with the majority how they’d like you to then you are indeed ret*d in their eyes. Remember, these are the very people who gave you the label that you’ve accepted….
If you don't think you're "ret*d", drop the label and live how everyone else wants you to live with the seamless ease that they do.
I went to the source, dictionary.com.
In the general term, yes, we are ret*d such as held back or hindered and other similar definitions. However, if say somebody is ret*d, those are not the definitions that people think about. Some of the definitions that stuck out is that of having an IQ of less then 70. Not the case for anyone here, in fact most of us are the opposite of ret*d. Very high IQ's. Another term used was awareness. We are viciously aware of our state. The mentally ret*d (supposedly) are not or cannot understand what makes them different. We understand all to well what's going on. Granted there are social problems but those can be overcome if you're put in a position to overcome them.
No, AS is not equal to ret*d IMHO.